

Introductions, annotations, and a selection of handpicked digitized books for online reading. These titles were chosen to enhance the study of the ancient historical and cultural context of the Bible.

36 posts
40 Days of Hebrew Devotions
Paid-members >Books

40 Days of Hebrew Devotions

What would you say if I introduced you to an insightful, short book with lots of takeaways from a trustworthy source? The book will gently lead you through a 40-day journey looking at Hebrew words and concepts to enrich your faith and worship. This could be an exhilarating 40-day journey...

"The Beginnings of Jewishness" by Shaye Cohen
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"The Beginnings of Jewishness" by Shaye Cohen

In this book, Shaye J.D. Cohen explores the formation and transformation of Jewish identity between Hellenistic times and the Roman era. Cohen, a renowned scholar in Jewish history, addresses complex issues related to ethnicity, religion, and cultural identity. He investigates how Jewish identity was defined and perceived both internally...

Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit by Jodi Magness
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Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit by Jodi Magness

Jodi Magness is a Distinguished Professor of Early Judaism at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. This book is cleverly subtitled "Jewish daily life in the time of Jesus" to afford it a broader Christian...

2 Enoch, The Book of Secrets: New Translation
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2 Enoch, The Book of Secrets: New Translation

Since most Enoch scholars agree that the text was originally Aramaic or Hebrew, this new translation seeks to create a sense that one is reading a Semitic text periodically using Hebrew vernacular alongside English. Thus, my new text has a different feel. By the way, I recently published two books:...

1 Enoch, The Book of Watchers: New Translation
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1 Enoch, The Book of Watchers: New Translation

The Book of Enoch is a well-known Jewish composition from the Second Temple era. Archaic English translations of Enoch are in the Public Domain and all over the Internet. This new translation presents the ancient text in modern, easy-to-read English. The primary goal of this new translation was to produce...

Unheard Voices of Hebrew Kings and Prophets
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Unheard Voices of Hebrew Kings and Prophets

Inside this book are new and updated translations of seven Jewish texts from the Second Temple Era: Prayer of Manasseh, Book of Baruch, Psalms of Solomon, Testament of Moses, Lives of the Prophets, Apocalypse of Moses, and Apocalypse of Abraham. Because these spiritual works are extra-canonical, their voices are often...

The Dignity of Difference by Jonathan Sacks
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The Dignity of Difference by Jonathan Sacks

"The Dignity of Difference" by Jonathan Sacks presents a compelling argument that diversity should not be feared or suppressed but rather celebrated and embraced. By acknowledging and respecting our differences, we can foster a more harmonious and peaceful society. Rabbi Sacks emphasizes the inherent dignity and worth of...

The Book of 1 Baruch: New Translation

The Book of 1 Baruch: New Translation

The Book of Baruch (ספר ברוך, Sepher Baruch), also known as 1 Baruch, is a non-canonical text attributed to Baruch ben Neriyah (ברוך בן נריה), a scribe and close associate of the prophet Jeremiah. The current version of the text we have today was likely put together by a Jewish...

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