
126 posts
Altar of Incense in the Holy of Holies?
Members Articles

Altar of Incense in the Holy of Holies?

Not long ago I received a curious question from a man who was struggling reading through the book of Hebrews in the New Testament. His question had to do with the temple and with the tabernacle arrangement, which was originally described in the book of Exodus. In Exodus the מִ...

The Direction of our Prayers
Paid-members Articles

The Direction of our Prayers

For thousands of years, Jews have been praying to God while facing Jerusalem. Muslims have a similar tradition. Only they bow toward the city of Mecca. Such cultural practice may seem a bit unusual for Christians who direct their gaze elsewhere, to the altar in front of them or to...

Recreating Ancient Israelite Wine
Members Articles

Recreating Ancient Israelite Wine

Both Jewish and Christian rituals today utilize wine. And the Bible is full of stories that mention wine's prominence. Perhaps the first one is about Noah planting a vineyard after the flood (Gen 9:20). Anthropologists will tell you that nomads do not plant vineyards. This was a...

The Visions of Pearly Gates
Paid-members Articles

The Visions of Pearly Gates

The first time I heard about heaven’s pearly gates, I wondered how people knew what those gates looked like. The reason why many people believe that heaven’s gates are made from pearls is a reference in the book of Revelation. “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each...

The Symbolism of Doves

The Symbolism of Doves

Few symbols have a tradition as long and as rich as the dove. A particular favorite in art and iconography, the dove often represents some aspect of the divine, and its use has been shared, adapted, and reinterpreted across cultures and millennia to suit changing belief systems. From the ancient...

A Lost Jewish City Under an Army Base in Samaria

A Lost Jewish City Under an Army Base in Samaria

A lost Jewish city has been discovered by archaeologists hidden underneath an Israeli Defence Force training base, according to Tel Aviv daily Yedioth Aharanot. Archaeologists working for the IDF’s Civil administration were digging under the old parade grounds of a disused training center near the town of Beit El...

The Words We Speak This Pesach

The Words We Speak This Pesach

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev used to teach his students an interesting spiritual lesson about Passover. This is how he explained the meaning of the Passover holiday (Pesach). “Pesach” literally means peh-sach, “the mouth פה (peh) talks שח (sach).” On Pesach we open our mouths and talk about the wonders...

Researching the Last Supper Menu

Researching the Last Supper Menu

What did Jesus and his disciples eat during the Last Supper? What was on the menu? New research reveals a list of likely foods. A bean stew, lamb, olives, bitter herbs, a fish sauce, unleavened bread, dates, and aromatic wine likely were on the menu at the Last Supper, says...

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