
130 posts
What's Coming Soon...

What's Coming Soon...

Thanks to new subscribers PSHIR.COM continues to grow! And growth is exciting because that allows me to plan for the future better and to develop new quality multi-media content. For me, healthy and steady growth translates to doing the things I envisioned doing before but lacked the resources to...

The Jews of Cyrene and the Gospel
Members Articles

The Jews of Cyrene and the Gospel

The New Testament records that some Jewish followers of Jesus from Cyrene were responsible for the first Gentile converts in Antioch. “So then those who were scattered because of the persecution that occurred in connection with Stephen made their way to Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to...

Jewish Customs and the Cup in Passion Narratives
Paid-members Articles

Jewish Customs and the Cup in Passion Narratives

The Bible is full of customs, traditions, and rituals. Many Jewish cultural practices seem unusual to the rest of the world, and others were successfully assimilated via the broader Christian culture. People don't even think of them as Jewish but the gospels read by millions of non-Jews today...

How did Jesus "fulfill" the Torah?
Members Articles

How did Jesus "fulfill" the Torah?

Messiah’s famous words about Torah declare, “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill” (Mat 5:17 NASB) This verse has been explained countless times in church sermons, academic lectures, and scholarly commentaries. What can...

Listen to 4 Chapters of 3 Enoch

Listen to 4 Chapters of 3 Enoch

The Third Book of Enoch (Hebrew Enoch), or "The Book of Palaces," is an ancient Jewish mystical composition. Though named after Enoch, it was not written by the biblical Enoch himself. He is, however, the main character in a story of Rabbi Ishamel’s ascent to see the...

3 Enoch, The Book of Palaces: New Translation
Paid-members >BooksArticles

3 Enoch, The Book of Palaces: New Translation

The Third Book of Enoch (Hebrew Enoch), or "The Book of Palaces," is an ancient Jewish mystical composition. How ancient? Around the sixth century CE. The Third Book of Enoch is quite different from 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch. It does not sound like Second Temple Era Jewish...

Treasures for the World to Come in Tosefta
Members Articles

Treasures for the World to Come in Tosefta

The Tosefta is a rabbinic text often unfamiliar to people. There is a perfectly good explanation why. When the text of Mishna, the Jewish oral traditions, was being compiled into writing by Yehudah HaNassi (second century CE), some discussions were set aside and edited out. It's not that...

The Art of Protection

The Art of Protection

According to researchers of antiquity driving away bad luck, the evil eye, and, in short, envious people—this was one of the purposes of mosaics in Ancient Rome. You may know of amulets, incantations, but art and specific mosaics were also used to ward off evil. Ancient literary sources and...

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