
54 posts
Pentecost, King David, and Rejected Corner Stones

Pentecost, King David, and Rejected Corner Stones

Pinchas Shir joins us to continue the exploration of his course, The Stories of Jewish Church. We keep in mind the conversation in the previous episode about the initial believers being Jewish. Today we talk about Peter's use of the Psalms, the added cultural memory of the timing...

Do the Words "Jewish" and "Church" Go Together?

Do the Words "Jewish" and "Church" Go Together?

Professor Pinchas Shir joins me to talk about his course The Stories of Jewish Church. This is a wildly popular course at IBC because it takes familiar stories and brings to life new ideas. This week we talk about how Jewish the original church was, why we know they were...

Rest is Trust
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Rest is Trust

Taking a break from cultivating the land for the whole year sounds good in theory, but it can impact people economically in a major way. Most of us are not farmers today, but it is not hard to imagine the implications of such a step of faith. Taking a break...

When Experts Disappoint
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When Experts Disappoint

In our weekly reading, Pharaoh was not counting sheep. Instead, he saw disturbing dreams about sets of cows and stocks of grain. The dreams troubled him. He knew they were important but could not make sense of the message they carried. He realized that he himself did not have answers....

On The Other Side

On The Other Side

Every time I go on vacation I need to go somewhere. I can't stay at home. If I stay at home, I will end up doing things around the house. It will not be a vacation. I can't look at things that need to be done...

Milk and Honey
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Milk and Honey

Sticky situations. Standing in front of pivotal decisions is something we all do. Many stories in the Torah inspire us about these very scenarios. This is one of those stories. Some of us face hard decisions quite often, and some of us are facing them right now. We face doubt....

Promises We Cannot Keep

Promises We Cannot Keep

Why does Torah give fathers and husbands such power over promises their daughters and wives make? It’s unfair. Are women not capable of making good promises? Are they prone to overpromise? Of course, the answer to all these questions is NO. Women are just as capable of making good,...

A Wave Offering
Paid-members >AudioAudio

A Wave Offering

Offerings serve a purpose, often a symbolic visual purpose, to express something that words alone cannot. Words are effective most of the time, but sometimes only the actions are adequate. The Torah describes how Levites were shaved, purified by water and sacrifice, and reborn. Does that in any way describe...

Loving Your Master
Paid-members >AudioAudio

Loving Your Master

The passage called Mishpatim in Torah begins with laws about slaves and slavery. It’s not an easy topic to discuss in America. Colonial slavery most people are familiar with in America, was truly brutal, unjust, and inhumane. The mistreatment of slaves in America in the not-so-distant past still has...

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