Talmudic Rabbis who Witnessed the Power of Yeshua's Gospel

The video below is a lecture given at Lanier Theological Library early in 2020 on a most intriguing topic, the interaction of Rabbis in the Talmud with early followers of the Nazarene.

The lecturer, Joseph Shulam, grew up in Jerusalem, where he was introduced to the New Testament in high school. He became a believer and moved to the United States for college. After his return to Jerusalem,  Shulam studied Biblical Archaeology and Bible at Hebrew University.  He attended 3 years of rabbinical college and did more graduate study at Hebrew University. Dr. Shulam has written and partnered in writing several books, including commentaries on Romans, Acts, and Galatians. His take on classical Jewish texts and New Testament have been eye-opening for many audiences.

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